(740) 862-4222
Our Roots

Our history reaches back to 1827 when Rev. George Weisz taught a catechism class to forty young people. In 1838 they worshipped in the same building as the Lutherans, St. Paul’s Union House. But then divisions arose when those of the Reformed Church introduced the use of English sermons and weekly prayer meetings. Such public prayer on the part of the laity was not to be tolerated, some argued strongly … to the point that the Reformed Church found themselves locked out of the building.
On July 21, 1845 Trinity Reformed Church was organized at the home of Henry Leonard. There were thirteen charter members. It was born out of a conviction that the members of a church should have a say in the expression of their faith.
Over the years mergers with other denominations have changed the name from the original Trinity Reformed Church to Trinity Evangelical and Reformed in 1934, to the present Trinity United Church of Christ in 1957. But the same spirit by which this church was born still remains. The responsibility for the mission and ministry of Trinity lies with the people who make it up.
This is actually our second house of worship. The first was built in 1847 at a cost of about $2500. The present structure was built in 1899 at a cost of $8,725.09. It was dedicated on December 10th of that same year. The same bell has called us to worship since 1847.
But as important as our history is to us, and as proud as we are of our building, the church is really the worship in which we join and the fellowship we share as members of this household of faith.